Monthly Memo
Dearest Reader,
Hello January! This Monthly Memo includes current classes offered and themes. My plan this year is to offer, in addition to my weekly Yoga, special monthly classes in Yomassage and Reiki Infused Restorative Yoga and an Open House Reiki Share; offered at random or not so random days and times (to include people with different schedules).
A few years ago I found that by adding elements of themes to my yoga classes was embraced by students. I continue to be inspired by sharing from different sources to combine interests to educate. Each month there are different themes I incorporate from a 'Wellness' theme, Chakras, Mudras, Yamas and Niyamas, Moonology/Astrology and Five Elements (new). Cheers to learning!
January Theme Reflections:
!. Monthly 'Wellness' Theme: #WorldHealthEsteemMonth, details below.
2. This week: Moonology speaking ~ 1/6 to 1/12, This could be a rather confusing week, but do not try too hard to make sense of things just yet. Clarity will come later. If you think someone is trying to trick you, be on your guard. What are you grateful for this week?
January 11 - Moon in Gemini - Healing is in the air today as the Moon harmonizes with healing Chiron and the lunar nodes move into healing Pisces. Are you getting the picture? Ask yourself what healing would look like for you. Hold that vision!
3. Monthly Yama is Ahimsa: In Eastern thought, non-violence is so valued that it stands as the very core and foundation of all yoga philosophy and practice. To create a life and a world free of violence is first and foremost to find our own courage.
4. Monthly Chakra is the Crown Chakra, (details below)
5. Monthly Element (from Five Elements) is Space (Ether) Element
Thank you, I am grateful for those guests and friends who supported my business this past year. I appreciate all that you bring to the 'table'. I am enjoying my boutique studio space; offering classes and events, in addition to healing bodywork, Monday ~ Saturday.
As the New Year begins, I have not set up too many 'resolutions'. For me its more like "realistic time management".
As suspected I have a daily Yoga and Reiki / meditation practice and will continue swimming at Pico Sports and skiing at Killington, because I enjoy the results from physical activities.
Finding what 'they' say a work/life balance. I feel I do a good job with balancing stuff. However, I need (time) to get organized, recycle and re-home clutter that has moved into many places, that now needs to go. I know that when this huge task is complete I'll feel good. It is a perfect time to de-clutter for the sake of Feng Shui, anyway.
I am fortunate because my work does not feel like work after 28 years. I really love my career, learning new things and welcome any one who needs my specialties. I do have some availability this month.
Time can be tricky. So I go into the New Year with positive aspirations to make time for: studying, daily exercise, cooking, spending time with friends and family trips.
My word for 2025 is 'realistic'; 1. having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected. 2. representing familiar things in a way that is accurate or true to life.
If you don't know the book, check it out.
Book: One Word That Will Change Your Life, by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, Jimmy Page
Happy New Year!
Warmest Wellness Wishes,
Wellness Classes & Events in January
For ALL classes/events you must register. Thank you.
Yoga Class $15
~ Thursday's Kripalu Yoga 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Monthly Special Events
~ Open House Reiki Share ~ Friday, January 10, 5:30-7:00 PM ~ Full Moon
A Reiki Share is an Open House is for anyone interested in learning more about Reiki and attuned Reiki Practitioners.
You are invited to Petra's Wellness Studio, participants will experience a hands-on treatment opportunity to give and/or receive Reiki, with opening and closing guided meditation. Free Event. Donations graciously accepted for the Rutland County Humane Society. All are welcome. You must register for your place, by Thursday 1/9. Much thanks.
~ Yomassage, 75 minute group class, $45
January ~ Saturday 1/11, 3:00 - 4:14 PM ~ Full Moon
~ Reiki Infused Restorative Yoga, 60 minute group class $30
January ~ Wednesday 1/29, 2:00 - 3:00 PM ~ New Moon
January Monthly Theme for Wellness
World Health Esteem Month in January is a month to appreciate ourselves for who we are now and the small choices we can make to enhance our lives without making any resolution. What is “Health Esteem”? Health Esteem is a new category of fitness and diet that integrates positive self-esteem, embracing who you are now, along with changes you would like to make. Health Esteem is grounded in accepting and embracing the person you are today and championing who you wish to become. World Health Esteem Month challenges the traditional notion that January is a month of depriving ourselves via empty promises and resolutions based on social “ideals.”
The alternative to this pattern of endless resolutions, annual self-judgment and comparisons driven by the Imperfection Economy is Health Esteem. This healthier tradition integrates healthy choices with a positive mindset for overall wellbeing. One in which we replace the New Year’s ritual of guilty goal-setting, deprivation, and eventual failure with a month spent appreciating ourselves for who we are. Now is the time to celebrate the tiny choices we can make each day to enhance our lives and even achieve better outcomes than when we thought we had to bully ourselves into New Year’s Resolutions.
Practicing Health Esteem leads to better choices. Instead of working out because you are unsatisfied with yourself, you exercise because you value yourself. This mindset allows you to do it in a way which is rewarding as much in the moment as it is over the long term. Similarly, instead of making food choices to punish yourself into weight loss you will start to make choices in support of taking care of yourself, ultimately making you feel better to build on your Health Esteem.
Wellness Appointments
Sessions are scheduled Monday through Saturday by appointment only. or (802)345-5244
Thursday Yoga, 12:30-1:30 PM ~
Petra's weekly Thursday Yoga class features themes to bring you into the Vermont seasons of change with comfort and joy; combining the best of Kripalu Yoga and Mindfulness Yoga; including monthly topics/lessons/reflections in the Chakras, Yamas and Niyamas and Full Moon and New Moon meditations. Please see Yoga page for more details.
monthly class topics
~ Crown Chakra, each class we use a mudra to open our meditation session. A mudra is a symbolic hand gesture; the purpose of the mudra is to activate and create a circuit of prana in the body.
~ Yama is Ahimsa - Nonviolence, Turns us from harming self and others to kindness and compassion for self and others. (January)
Registration required for group classes, space is limited, and equipment available.
Chakras are the energetic centers of the human energy body that filter, store and transform vital energy. Each of the seven main chakras corresponds to an organ, gland, color, musical note (sound), and emotion. As a Chakra Therapeutic Practitioner I integrate Chakra education into my classes through a monthly Chakra study focus.
Crown Chakra - Sahasrara
Seventh Chakra (Crown Center) located at the top of the head, connects us to our spirituality. This is the place of union, oneness and integration.
Meaning: Infinite
Location: Crown of the head
Sound: So Hum
Color: Ultraviolet
Symbol: Thousand Petal Lotus Flower
Rules: All systems, Pineal gland
Element: Space
Qualities: Freedom, Unity, Lightness, Joy
Practices: The beautiful one thousand petal lotus sits with the crown offering the connection to supreme consciousness, unity and awakening. Envisioning ultraviolet light is a powerful practice to open the crown as well as the release of anger. Chanting the SO HAM mantra (and its reverse HAM SO) is also a great crown opener. Allowing yourself to move beyond the body, mind, habitual thoughts and tendencies allows greater freedom and unity to arise.
Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word Yuj, meaning to unite, come together, or yolk. It’s a union of body, mind, and soul with universal consciousness. The physical postures of Hatha Yoga prepare the body for sitting by making the body more supple and by stimulating the systems to expel toxins caused by our modern diet and lifestyle. It also plays an important role in preparing our bodies for the following limbs. There are eight limbs of yoga. They are — ‘Yama’ (abstinence), ‘asana’ (yoga postures), ‘Dharana’ (concentration), ‘pranayama’ (breath control), ‘pratyahara’ (withdrawal of the senses), ‘niyama’ (observances), ‘dhyana’ (meditation), and ‘samadhi’ (absorption).”
Using the book 'The Yamas & Niyamas Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice' by Deborah Adele.
January ~ Ahimsa: Nonviolence - Turns us from harming self and others to kindness and compassion for self and others.
Explorations will be read in class each week for self-reflection meditation.
Quote by Etty Hillesum
"Ultimately we have just one moral duty:
to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves,
more and more peace,
And the more peace there is in us,
the more peace there will also be in our troubled world."
~ In the Video Library are 2 free meditations: New Moon and Full Moon these are short meditation recordings to use as self-care guides with reflection and journaling options.
This month I will:
Meditate every day
The Full Moon is the high point of the lunar cycle. It is a very powerful time for inner work. The Full Moon takes place in a different sign of the zodiac each month. In this session, you will experience two healing meditations: the Full Moon Forgiveness and Gratitude practices. Suggestive supplies: journal paper and pen, water. Free recording, found in Video Library. View recording:
Full Moon in Cancer
January 13 ~
Two events: Friday 1/10 at 5:30 Open House Reiki Share and Saturday 1/11 at 3:00 Yomassage Class.
This Full Moon takes place in the sign of Cancer. The first Full Moon of the year is packing a punch! Cancer is the super-emotional, water sign. And the Full Moon is taking place near the planet Mars. With the influence from Mars (anger) and which is retrograde. One of the good things about this Full Moon is that it is harmonizing with the planet of dreams and poetry, Neptune. Tune into Neptunian calm using a spiritual practice such as mediation, reiki or yoga.
Key words or ideas for this lunation: getting feisty ~ feeling emotional ~ anger rising
"Under the glorious Full Moon,
I forgive everything, everyone, every experience,
every memory of the past or present that needs forgiveness.
I forgive positively everyone.
I also forgive myself of past mistakes.
The Universe is Love and I am forgiven and governed by Love alone.
Love is now adjusting my life.
Realizing this, I abide in Peace."
The New Moon phase is when you make time for yourself. Awaken and align your energy with this practice and plant the seeds of your future dreams, make wishes and commitments to yourself, and to set your intentions. The New Moon is in a different zodiac sign each month, exploring meditation, and an opportunity for journaling as a self-care tool. Suggestive supplies: journal paper and pen, water. See Monthly Memo for information. Free recording, found in Video Library and view here:
New Moon in Aquarius
January 29
Special Class ~ Reiki Infused Restorative Yoga: Wednesday January 29 at 2:00-3:00 PM
Key words and ideas for this lunation: powerful words ~ luck in the air ~ second chances ~ inspiring love
This New Moon has some very positive alignments. There could be lucky breaks thanks to a Jupiter alignment, and Venus/Neptune bring romance to the air. More and more people are starting to realize that we humans really do create our own reality. So the idea with the New Moon is to take a moment to get really clear on what you what, write it all down and visualize it, and turn it into an affirmation. How will you feel when your wish comes true? Feeling that feeling is the key to New Moon wishing success.
New Moon Wishes ~ A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Step up and do what needs to be done. Take action. Set intentions. This will provide the needed support for you to embrace changes.
New Moon Wishes and Intensions:
1. My current biggest, most audacious goal, wish, or intention is: __________________
2. Turn it into an affirmation. Write it as if it has already happened.
3. Action steps:
3a. In the next 24-hours
3b. In the coming week
3c. In the month ahead
On this New Moon cycle, I bring in success
and financial abundance. I bring in a healing
to my body. I bring in the abundance
of love. I bring in peaceful energy to all my
relationships with other people. I bring in
confidence and courage. I bring in positive
energy to my mind, words and actions.
I manifest all my goals.
Book: The Yamas & Niyamas, by Deborah Adele
Book: One Word That Will Change Your Life, by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, Jimmy Page
Book: Breath ~ The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor
Book: The Vital Spark by Lisa Marchiano LCSW
Books by Doug Tallamy - Nature's Best Hope and Bringing Nature Home
JANUARY THEMES for info about birds and native plants
WELLNESS HOURS: Monday through Saturday
Scheduling by appointment only. Cell (802)345-5244, email:
Petra's Wellness Studio is located at The Dana Center, 41 East Center Street, Rutland, Vermont.
Petra O’Neill, Petra‘s Wellness Studio's sole practitioner has provided holistic integrated therapeutic wellness in Vermont since 1996.